Saturday, September 30, 2006


Today I read this article in the Pakistani newspaper dawn about General Musharaf's in the line of fire.It was talking about how General Musharaf gives an account of Kargil that no foreign analyst agrees with and there was some discussion what the Pakistani generals were
thinking when they were planning Kargil.Now here it mentions that the basic idea was that once the so called freedom fighters occupy Kargil India with its Hindu mentality will never have the guts to respond. This has got me asking questions India and its Hindu mentality, what does the Pakistani writer mean by this. Well I do agree that in the world we are perceived as a weak nation. We give in to terrorist demands (IC814 ,Mufti daughter I don't want to elaborate this list)but what does the Pakistani writer mean by Hindu mentality that is what is troubling me.

Ok I agree we were the golden nightingale once upon a time. But people from all across plundered and exploited us. First there were these Muslim bandits like Ghazni,and then the Mughals and later the British. All of them not only looted our wealth but with relative ease established their rule over us. Was this because we were divided among ourselves or as they say majority of us we were never fighters because of the Hindu mentality!

Lets look at the British Period. The British provided protection to our kings against each other, slowly established their rule all over the country and exploited this country resources. The Indian royals least bothered about this nation or their kingdom lived a life of great luxury, spent most of their time in Europe, lot of famous stories on Indian princes and their gori maams.The British divided us, kept our elite happy and exploited our masses to the maximum, so agreed we were divided but majority of us actually never wanted to take on the British. Even when we started the freedom movement it was never a mass military revolution but a civil disobedience movement.

Today also radical Muslim outfits preach that if they could rule this country for 500 years they can again do it. So is India weak because of its Hindu mentality?

Well not really. Generally speaking majority of Indians are peace loving. We are country where the majority (people of all religion) believe in humanism. We do sometimes come across as a weak state, but not due to our weak psyche but due to political compulsions or people in power not taking the right decision. But when we are challenged this nation has shown shown that it can stand as one and can take on the advesary.But to a nation like Pakistan whose foundation is based on religion these people find it very difficult to see things outside the spectrum of religion .To them things like ideology or behavior patterns are not related to nations or parties or organizations but to religion. That is why frivolous factors like Hindu mentality could actually be considered by the Pakistani generals before launching the kargil misadventure.

Now about the so called Hindu mentality. it is not necessary a Hindu mentality but an Indian mentality that we like peace, don’t like to kill unnecessarily. We are a responsible nation and we don't wage wars of aggression but all these years of external exploitation has now made us realize that if we are challenged we do take our enemy to the cleaners no matter what. This is where the Pakistani generals went wrong and suffered the Kargil defeat. Guess the pakis would have learnt learnt their lesson!

P.S:Feedback ,comments are most welcome


Blogger Ashraf's Pen said...

Hey Chailla Nice posting.

Welcome to blogspot

10:36 PM  
Blogger Ashraf's Pen said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:38 PM  
Blogger Ashraf's Pen said...

Sorry big spelling error.Anyway

But I believe you tend to genralize too much.

When one tries to paint a wall in large swathes, the micro picture is missed.

The attitude is not of Indians but the ruling establishment. Slow to get off the ass and react.

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so finally Mr. chaila brings it al out huh, actually i am an ulta man i havnt read the blog yet but first written a comment so if i feel like commenting will write one more comment.

6:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh.. even i dont understand this fuckin hindu mentality thing

6:26 AM  

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